416 Derech HaEemahot, Beit El, Israel 9063100

My journey to a creative life

I’ve always loved arts and crafts, ever since I was little and used to spend a lot of time with my Grandma (who always had some neat project she was working on and even taught craft classes). Today I love learning new techniques, silversmithing, basket weaving,  fiber arts and more.  It's fun to try different arts and craft forms and raw materials to come up with something new and interesting. I just love making things!

When I was a mother with three small children, I moved back to Israel after a few years spent in the U.S. and Canada. We came with nothing but our suitcases. Needless to say our apartment was pretty empty in the beginning. I started by collecting unwanted furniture in need of repair and fixing it up, painting it, reupholstering it etc. I enjoyed the challenge of seeing the hidden potential in each item. I realized that I really enjoyed this type of work and took a class in painting on wood. The more I worked, the more I loved it. I learned more until I realized that I didn’t just want to decorate the wood, I wanted to be able to manipulate it, to cut and design my own ideas. That’s when I bought my first scrollsaw. Every new tool I buy is an adventure. What will I be able to do or improve with it? The possibilities seem endless.

Over the years I have made many things for many people. My creations can be found in Israel, America, Canada, England, the Netherlands, Australia and more. I have works hanging in private homes, schools and Yeshivot, in Cultural centers, municipal buildings and businesses.  

In my spare time when I’m not in my studio I love to read (and drink coffee). I used to go around the house with my nose in a book – even while making dinner. I read and enjoy all kinds of books: business, fantasy, history or historical fiction, religion, or how to books, I enjoy them all. The problem in our house is where to put another bookshelf so that the books don’t overflow onto the floor. As a mother who homeschooled her kids for over 8 years, books were always a treasure-trove of information, and entertainment.

I believe that everyone is creative. It is one of our many gifts from God. Our gift back to God is to use that creativity to bring things from the realm of imagination into the realm of reality. We thus become a partner with God and help to bring joy and light into the world. My dream is to create meaningful, uplifting messages and items that help others to share my "Joie de Vivre" -- optimism and love of creativity. I hope to strengthen and encourage others, helping them to persevere when times get tough and to bring a smile to their faces.

That is a glimpse into my world. I'd love you to join me on a journey to connection, joy and creativity in our everyday lives! 

My Studio

Welcome to my studio.

It might be small, but it is stuffed to the brim with all kinds of different woods and tools. Mahogany, walnut, oak, beech, pine, eucalyptus, padauk, purple heart, yellow heart and more fight for space with a variety of tools.

My scrollsaw and a combination mitre and bench circular saw, are the saws that I use the most, but I spend just as much time on my belt sander and drill press. I dream of having a band saw and planer, but first I have to find enough space for them. I'm pretty much self taught and every time that I get a new tool it's like opening a present.  I wonder, what new things will I be able to do now?  

My studio is a small haven of creativity, growth and joy in a busy world.